Library Lore
strange people
strange history
odd events
doing it!
animal friends
did it happen?
Not funny!
Contact info

Welcome to Library Lore

"Library Lore" is the the website for the peculiar, frightening, funny, odd, strange and otherwise very weird world of libraries, library users and library workers. Here you'll find some of the stories that the ordinary user might never hear but are whispered from staff member to staff member. These stories, some true, some not, were collected from library workers on all sides of the globe, most of them first-hand experiences while others are handed down through generations of staff.

The stories are presented here as they were told to the collector, nearly verbatim. They are edited only to remove names or correct grammar for clarity. Many thanks go out to the story contributors, without whom these stories, true or not, might never be told.

This site is currently under construction and not all sections are working yet. Please be patient!


Cartoon archive

The "Library Lore" web site is the creation of Katie Buller Kintner. No violation of others' copyrights is intended. All original material is copyrighted 2004 by Katie Buller Kintner. No part of this site is to be reproduced in any way without prior permission of the site owner (and possibly the story contributor, if traceable), so there!

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